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Bob from Animal Crossing and Alice from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland met in Alaska to sell lava lamps. He wore a red dress. She wore

Once upon a time, three women were on a journey | A journey to Penge in South East London. Why Penge? What mysteries could a little known suburb hold for three spinster sisters, desperate for romance and adventure in Victorian England? | For example, one of them saw a old broken cabin. The three sisters went inside and saw a spooky pot of mixture that was green and slimy | . One sister dipped her finger into the substance. She tasted it, and confirmed that it was

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away there lived a princess. | She was alone, waiting for no-one but only for the whispers of the past. | "Hey whispers, where are you? I'm getting bored," she said. | And then she heard an ethereal voice. It said, "

Cyril Prentice was a fantacist and a Fascist who lived in Notting Hill. He planned to assassinate the Prime Minister, Mr Eden. | So Prentice picked up his jar of cyanide and sprinklied it into Mr. Eden's

It was two, maybe three years ago when it all happened. He was an anthropomorphic deer wearing a green tracksuit.

hello, my name is ben. hello | Hello, Ben. My name is Parker. | So Ben, how's life? I, for one, am quite happy. You?

In a world with not justice a paladin awoke with a start to discover that his sword was gone. | He then looked at his surroundings and realized that not only was his sword gone; he is surrounded by men having weapons pointed at him. | The paladin smiled. "Oh, hello, my name's Benedict and I'm a paladin. Could somebody explain why my sword is gone and you're all pointing spears and crossbows at me?" "Shut up!" one of the soldiers said, "By order of Count Voltaire, you shall die!" | "What?" Benedict asked. "Why would a count order a bunch of soldiers to kill a paladin? I mean, aside from the fact that he's probably evil!" "That's precisely why!" the captain said, "Count Voltaire fears that a paladin will come to destroy him!" | "Who is this Count Voltaire anyway?" asked Benedict. | "Is that so?" asked Benedict. He pointed to the east, "Voltaire's realm is that way. I was on my way to look for someone else."

Wait, it's not what It looks like! I haven't been shipping my mom with Cole from Animal Crossing! I know that's what it looks like, but it's not!

"Okay, my name's Akari Kurokawa, and I am 24. It's currently May 7, 2009, and the current time is 1:56 pm. Fuck, why'd this have to happen mere WEEKS before graduation?"

As darkness falls, the mute treks along the highway, backpack slung over his shoulder. | He shuffles slowly, as is his wont. Gazing straight ahead. No time to admire the views, just more walking. | To be fair, the views were rather limited by the encroaching darkness, but had it been midday and blazing sunshine, they still held no interest for him. He forces himself to pick up his feet, the rapidity of his thoughts translating into action.