Ensemble Press
Continue | Begin | Read | Top | Recent | FAQ    #


What is this all about?
Ensemble Press extends the popular game of "continue the story" and brings it to the internet. We believe that story-writing shouldn't require slaving away for hours in solitude to meet a deadline. When you work together with strangers, writing becomes easy and fun! You may be surprised by the zany and entertaining stories you create.
I'm still confused. How exactly does this site work?
We have a database full of user submitted stories in various states of progress. To participate, use the links on the on the upper-right corner of each page. When you click "Continue," we select a random unfinished story to display. But you can always click "Continue" again to load a different one. Please type in and submit a few sentences to advance the plot. Feel free to be silly and creative, but please keep your entries free from obscenity and offensive language. Sometimes the title of the "Continue" page will say "Finish this story." This means you should write a brief ending, and we'll consider the story completed. The "Begin" page works similarly, except you submit a few opening lines to start a new story. You can read a random finished story on the "Read" page. Like with "Continue," you can click "Read" again to display a different story. Then you can submit a rating for that story on the bottom of the page. We will exhibit the five highest rated stories on the "Top" page. Also, after submitting an entry or rating, a "Share" button will appear, allowing you to post the story on your favorite social bookmaking sites.
How do I jump to a specific story?
There is an input box on the far upper-right corner of each page. Type the story number into that box and press enter/return.
When is a story considered finished?
A story is always considered completed when it has five entries. After the fourth entry, the story's "Continue" page will say "Finish this story" (in place of "Continue this story"). After you write a brief ending, the story will be displayed on the "Read" page so others can rate it.
What do I do if I encounter a bug?
Although we try hard to ensure that everything works properly, we may have missed a problem. If you encounter an issue, please write to mail@ensemblepress.org with "Bug" in the subject line. Try to include as much detail as you can about where, when and how the bug occurred. We appreciate your help in improving our site!
Why haven't you answered my question?
Because you haven't asked it yet! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us at mail@ensemblepress.org. Although we cannot always respond personally, we do value your input and will periodically post answers to popular questions on this page.
I really like this website! How can I help?
Just by contributing to stories and rating them, you've been helping to get this site off the ground. Also we would love you to tell your friends about Ensemble Press! The share links throughout the site help you broadcast and promote the stories you worked on. Or you can click here to share the homepage instead:      Share this story